Published on
February 4, 2023

Electric cars are becoming more and more popular each year. But do they really live up to the hype? Are EVs safer than gas-powered cars? In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of electric vehicles and see if they are really as safe as people think.

Electric vehicles (EVs) had a bad reputation among car owners because of safety concerns. Problems such as electrocution, thermal runaway for first responders, as well as reports of fires that were not extinguishable were a problem for the early EVs. But, as they gain popularity the EV has proven that it isn’t as risky as people thought. Are electric vehicles less dangerous than the standard gas-powered car?


The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) recommends that EVs are more secure, especially thanks to a recent analysis of insurance data. The research suggests that injury claims are significantly less common when it comes to EVs as compared to gas-powered cars.

The study evaluated traditional and EV versions of nine vehicles sold between 2011 and 2019. Researchers looked at each vehicle’s collision rate, property damage liability, and injuries claims. They discovered that the rate of injuries attributed to EVs was over 40 percent lower than similar regular vehicles.

Some of the top scores in crashworthiness available on the market in 2022 were electric vehicles. Particularly, Tesla Model 3 scored the highest. Tesla Model 3 aced crashworthiness tests by IIHS and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

In addition, Tesla Model 3 achieved one of the top roof-crush safety scores in the tests that IIHS has ever tested for a car. Aside from this, the Audi e-Tron and Volvo XC40 Recharge both received IIHS Best Safety Pick ratings. With the Top Safety Pick award, even the controversial Ford Mustang Mach-E gets commendable security credentials.


Are EVs safer than gas-powered cars? Yes. The main reason why electric cars are considered to be safer is that they don’t have gas tanks. This means that there is no risk of explosions or fires in the event of a collision. Electric cars also have fewer moving parts than gas cars, which means that there is less chance of something going wrong.

Another reason why electric cars are safer is that they have better braking systems. This is because electric cars don’t have to deal with the friction and heat that come with traditional brakes. This means that electric cars can stop faster and more effectively in an emergency situation.

Electric Cars on Collision Test

Are EVs safer than gas-powered cars? That’s the question that many people are asking in light of recent collision tests conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). The IIHS put both types of cars through a series of crash tests, and the results were mixed.

Overall, electric cars fared slightly better than their gasoline-powered counterparts. However, there were some notable exceptions. For example, the Tesla Model S scored poorly in the small overlap front crash test, while the BMW i3 did not fare well in the side impact test.

Ultimately, it’s hard to say definitively which type of car is safer. However, given that electric cars are generally more efficient and have lower emissions, they may be a better choice for those who are concerned about safety.

Electric Cars Are Less Flammable Than Gas Cars

Why are electric cars safer? EVs are less flammable than gas cars for a variety of reasons. First, the battery pack is usually located at the bottom of the car, which makes it more resistant to damage in a collision. Second, the battery pack is encased in a strong metal casing, which helps to contain any fires that may start. Finally, EVs don’t have exposed fuel lines or combustible materials, so there’s less risk of a fire spreading in an EV than in a gas car. In short, EVs are safer than gas cars, and that’s one more reason to consider making the switch to electric.


Are EVs safer than gas-powered cars? Aside from the above-mentioned safety features, here are other reasons why Evs are safer than gas-powered cars:


The source of power for all-electric vehicles, Lithium-ion batteries burn and contain cells that can be subject to short-circuiting if they become damaged which can lead to flames. However, lithium-ion batteries carry a significantly lower danger of explosions resulting from fires in comparison to gasoline in internal combustion engines of vehicles.

To avoid short circuits or damage to the exterior, electric vehicle batteries are generally covered by a protective cooling shroud filled up with liquid coolant. Additionally, despite external cooling systems, electric cars are arranged in an array and not as a single Li-ion battery, which prevents the possibility of malfunctioning damages.

Air Quality

Internal combustion engines emit dangerous gasses like carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide as a result. These gases pollute the air and can lead to death and illness. Electric vehicles, on the other hand, do not generate any emissions.

Why are electric cars safer? Contrary to internal combustion engine vehicles which emit harmful gases like carbon monoxide, electric vehicles only run on electric batteries. “Zero-emissions” means improved air quality which reduces the chance of getting air-pollution-related diseases.  


Fewer moving parts mean fewer maintenance demands. Conventional vehicles are more prone to break down. Although both EVs and internal combustion engines require regular maintenance, the timeframe for EV maintenance is far smaller than traditional vehicles.

With only 20 moving components in the drivetrain of electric cars compared to around 2000 for a conventional vehicle subject to make and model, maintenance of electric vehicles ought to be quite simple compared to conventional vehicles.


Are EVs safer than gasoline-powered cars? We all know that electric vehicles are powered by battery packs, which store electrical energy in chemical form. Gasoline-powered cars, on the other hand, rely on a tank of flammable liquid to run. So it stands to reason that EVs are inherently safer than gas cars. After all, there’s no risk of an EV exploding into a fireball if it’s involved in a severe accident.

But that’s not the whole story. EVs also have some serious safety advantages over gas cars when it comes to day-to-day driving. For starters, EVs are much quieter than gas cars, which makes them easier to hear coming and gives pedestrians and cyclists a better chance to get out of the way.

EVs also have regenerative braking, which means they can recover some of the energy usually lost during braking and use it to recharge the battery. This not only makes for smoother stops but also reduces wear and tear on the brakes. As a result, EV brakes typically last longer than those on gas cars. So if you’re looking for a safer way to get around, switch to an EV today.


Electric vehicle chargers installation by EcoPlex is a great way to power your car without damaging the environment. These chargers are installed by certified professionals and are options for both homes and businesses.

Electric car charging stations have become more popular in recent years as people realize the benefits of owning an electric vehicle. They are much cheaper to operate and maintain than gas cars, and they emit zero emissions.

Electric vehicle chargers installation by EcoPlex is the best way to get started with powering your car with electricity. We’ll work with you to figure out the best charger for your home or business, and we’ll install it quickly and efficiently.

Contact us today to learn more about our electric vehicle charger installation services.

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